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Altar Guild


Worship the lord in the beauty of holiness.
Psalm 29:2


carol gervais

Carol Gervais


Our purpose:  With love and reverence we prepare the church for worship
President: Carol Gervais
Vice President: Margie Hartley (acting)
Past President: Margie Hartley
Wedding Liaison: Margie Hartley
Flower Convenor: Ann Coles
Linen Convenor: Frances Huddleson
Treasurer/Sec'y: Mary Vallieres


(Group photo)

    The Altar Guild, working directly under the  authority of the priest, is in charge of setting up the sanctuary for every service with the proper colors, vestments, linens, candles, vessels, elements and flowers. This work, done joyfully and reverently, adds to the beauty of each worship service and is lovingly given to the glory of God.

    We offer our service to God so that we may

·         reverently prepare the sanctuary for the priest to celebrate the Eucharist and other acts of worship

·         give the congregation a setting which will enhance the worship experience

·         attract new members by showing our dedication & fellowship

·         care for those objects which reflect the heritage of worship  which has continued for nearly 130 years at St James’. 

    At present there are four teams each taking one duty week in rotation.  The duty week begins Saturday morning, and members are required to tidy and dust the sanctuary, arrange flowers, check oil and wicks in candles, and set up the credence table and the altar for the early service.  Between the two services the altar rail is cleaned, the chalice scalded and then washed, and the credence table and the altar are reset.  After the service everything is cleared away, all brass is cleaned and the small linens taken home to be washed and ironed. If there are weddings, funerals, or baptisms, the same routine is followed with the addition of items such as the Paschal candle, wedding cushions, funeral pall, baptismal font, spoons and candles.  Special festivals such as Christmas, Easter or Thanksgiving also require special decorating and general brass cleaning. Altar Guild invites members of the parish to assist in the making of Palm crosses and with the brass cleaning.

            There is an annual general meeting, usually in January, and election of officers occurs then.  Recently, the president and vice-president have tended to serve two to three years in those positions. The president attends Parish Council and reports to it. As well, the president advises members of Parish Council initiatives.

Unless donors request otherwise, the altar flowers are sent to parishioners who have been ill or grieving.  The wider community calls on St James’ for baptisms, weddings and funerals, giving Altar Guild members the opportunity to show their living faith to others. With the Rector’s permission we send “welcoming your family to St James’” cards to all the newly baptised. 

Membership in Altar Guild provides opportunity for fellowship and mutual support in the teams and among the teams. We actively seek and welcome new members.