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Snow Day at Saint James'
13 February 2000

"A good laugh is a good as Prayer Sometimes" – Lucy Maude Montgomery

Let it snow and they will come…it snowed and snowed in the days prior to the Church School’s Snow Day. Then the children came and came and came; about 45 children attended the Snow Day! Include the Teachers and Parent Volunteers and over 60 people took part in this great day of fun.

Our day included four winter activities outdoors, a mid morning warm-up (you may have heard us!) of hot chocolate and treats, a sing-along (you may have heard us again!!), and indoor activities for those that got cold and wet in the first half of the morning. Our outdoor activities included tobogganing,snow painting, maples ugar tasting and a winter William Tell. The morning was wrapped up with a tug o’ war and a medal presentation to the children and certificates of appreciation to all the volunteers.

The children were divided into four teams of all ages, and they visited each activity as the morning progressed. At times it seemed that the toboggans would fly right through the back doors; in few cases the steel railing came in quite handy. Many snowball fights erupted between teams and among the teams, all in fun of course. As we watched you inside, we wished we could join you (just kidding!).  We wanted everyone to come out and join in the fun. At times it was hard to decide who was having more fun, the children or the teachers and parent volunteers.

A mention must be made of the older children who assisted, encouraged, and played with the younger children on each team; there was no dividing these great kids! It was a joy to watch everyone play and enjoy fellowship together, no matter what age.

Special thanks to all the parents and teachers who provided the great tasting snacks, and to Randy Roberts with Kathy Pitcher who became the dynamic duo in the kitchen. They managed to keep the hot chocolate flowing and the snack trays full, no small miracle when you are feeding 45 children! Thanks also to Frank Sisson who take time from his choir duties to take pictures and record this great day.

Thanks must go out to all the teachers who supported the idea and contributed their many talents, and to spouses for making the day a success. Thanks to Susan Cook, Caralan Dams, Jennifer Sturton, Ted Rienhardt and Mari Roberts and to Father Rick for allowing all the noise!

It was a glorious day - it snowed, the hot chocolate flowed, the children laughed and played and everyone had a grand time. We were blessed for the day we had!

Robert Dekker


Feb 2000 Hill Action.jpg (19792 bytes)                 Feb 2000 Angels on the Hill.jpg (22753 bytes)


 Feb 2000 Comfort & Assurance.jpg (25849 bytes)    Feb 2000 Cold Player.jpg (24732 bytes)

Feb 2000 Hot Chocolate.jpg (21770 bytes)           Feb 2000 Ben.jpg (16151 bytes)

Photos by Frank Sisson