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25th Anniversary of Father Rick's Ordination
4 June 2000

Sunday 4 June was a day of celebration at Saint James' Church, as the Parish joined with Rick and Judy Marples to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Father Rick's ordination as a priest in the Anglican Church.

Rick's 25th, harp.jpg (71163 bytes)          Rick's 25th, children.jpg (79287 bytes)

An exquisite harp recital was followed by a presentation from the children. 

Rick's 25th, rick & judy1.jpg (96200 bytes)     

Rick's 25th, rick & judy2.jpg (78440 bytes)           Rick's 25th, cutting catke.jpg (58180 bytes)
The Choir presented Father Rick with an Ottawa Senators sweater, suitably labelled, and the congregation gave him a new stole (still in the making).  Bishop Peter sent him a letter of greeting and congratulations.

         Rick's 25th, rick, marg, liz.jpg (45385 bytes)

Everyone proceeded to Tomkins Hall, where Rick, by now happily wearing his sports attire, cut the celebratory cake.  Above, he poses with Marg Hartley; below we see him with members of his family.

Rick's 25th, family.jpg (84542 bytes)
                                                                                    Photos by Marg Hartley

Congratulations and Best Wishes to Rick and Judy!