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Building for the Future

The Renewal Process in Saint James’ Parish

Presentation to Vestry Meeting
13 February 2005


Recall the timelines which have led to the present point: 


Concept adopted by Parish Council


Renewal Process plan approved


Data Gathering


Preliminary Conclusions

Dec/ Jan:

Parish groups prepare initial plans


Renewal Team reports to Vestry


Vision Statement

“St. James is a Christian Community Joyfully Serving and Growing in God’s Love”

Vision Platform

In particular, the Conclusions and Recommendations presented on 30 November 2004 resulted in a Vision Platform which emphasized the ministries in our parish, the ends towards which we work, as those of Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Outreach, all interlinked, as shown below.


The Renewal Team recommended that the organization of the parish remain as it is now, with three provisos:
         1. That Parish Council establish Action Teams (in effect, committees of the Council) as necessary to address issues which involve several groups.
         2. That each parish group measure its plans and activities in the light of the four ministries of Worship, Education, Fellowship, and Outreach.
            3. That each group, other than purely operational ones, seek to pursue activities in at least two of the four ministries.


Parish Groups by Ministry

Plans received from the various groups indicated implied the degree of involvement of each group in the four ministries (in cases where no plans were received, the Renewal Team attempted to estimate this involvement.  The levels considered were primary and secondary (it is possible that there may be more than one primary or secondary function for any group).  The purpose of some groups (e.g., counters) is not directly in support of a ministry, but is to further a means by which these ministries may be supported.  In such a case, the category or 'Operations' is used.  The results are as follows:


























Altar Guild*




Church School




Counting Team*





Craft Group*







Envelope Sec’y*









Lay Assistants













Pastoral Care*




Property Cttee



















Synod members






Legend:              * Groups who have submitted reports

                        Primary function (may be in more than one area)

                    Secondary function (may be in more than one area)


Parish Group Goals

Groups have provided initial plans, indicating the directions which they intend to follow.  In every instance, these plans include actions and programs which have been a core part of their operation for many years.  In addition, though, most groups have taken the opportunity provided by the process to examine their activities and to look for others which help to fulfill their roles in the various ministries. Under the headings of the four ministries, as well as operations, the following tables summarize the plans which have been received by the Renewal Team.  The Team has put forward goals in a few cases for groups who submitted no plans, where such goals were of particular importance to the parish as a whole.


Father Rick


v     proclaim by word and service the Good News of Jesus Christ;
v     in cooperation with Parish Council, establish a worship committee;
create a sermon evaluation team.
Altar Guild v     reverently prepare the sanctuary;
v     care for heritage objects of worship.
Choir v      provide musical leadership in worship services;
encourage worship participation through music
Church School v     nurture the faith or our children through example and teaching.
Pastoral Care Team v     assist at church services in Nursing Homes and elsewhere as appropriate.


Father Rick v     co-ordinate Christian education for all age groups;
create a spirituality and education team;
train lay leaders to provide opportunities for growth for parishioners.
Altar Guild v     consider provision of education to Sunday School and confirmation classes.
Choir v     help the congregation to participate in liturgical music.
Church School v     guide children in a worship-centred program of Christian learning, based on the Church year. 
Welcoming Committee v     encourage participation in Christian courses, e.g. Lenten / Advent / Bible Studies and Alpha.



ACW v     explore fellowship opportunities;
actively seek to build the ACW membership base;
maintain and coordinate a list of newcomers to Saint James’, to phone and invite to ACW meetings;
consider events with guest speakers.
Craft Group v     strive to be a warm and friendly group, attracting others in fellowship.
Outreach Committee v     provide plants to our shut-ins at Easter, helping to keep seniors and shut-ins in touch with the Church Community.
Welcoming Committee v     encourage newcomers to join the congregation.


Father Rick v     love and serve and be a pastor to the people committed to his care and to the communities in which God calls him;
take part in diocesan ministry where appropriate.
ACW v     expand outreach programs by providing casseroles and soups to the sick and incapacitated in our congregation;
constantly explore new ideas for outreach.
Choir v     stage occasional musical entertainment as a fundraiser;
sing informally at parish events.
Craft Group v     create a variety of crafts to be sold for the purpose of making donations to outreach
Welcoming Committee v     arrange special events, e.g., Pot Luck Dinners / Movie Nights;
ensure that newcomers are invited to social events phone calls and handouts.
Pastoral Care Team v     share God's love and care with the sick, the shut-ins, the isolated, the lonely, and those in crisis.
Outreach Committee v     assist families in our area, local shelters and  various agencies through monetary and various (food, clothing etc.) donations.



Counting Team v     maintain a very high level of confidentiality;
verify accuracy of envelope contents and weekly count;
work as dedicated volunteers committed to growth in Christ.
Envelope Secretary v     maintain a very high level of accuracy and confidentiality;
issue a weekly funds report and ad hoc reports to the Treasurer;
provide guidance and education to the Counting Team.
Property Committee v     ensure the maintenance of the physical premises (interior and exterior) of the church in a clean, tidy manner;
maintain the efficiency and safety of all systems involved in the operation of St. James (e.g. heating, lighting, water, sump, roofing, grounds, parking, etc.);
provide coordination of short- and long-term property management issues, both planned and unforeseen


People, Ministries, Resources and Projects

In planning for the future, we should be aware of the main components with which we deal. 

Our parish is made up of people: youth, women, men.

Our activities centre around four ministries: Worship, Education, Fellowship, Outreach.

Our tools are the resources that God has given us: e.g., operations (physical plant), fundraising, communications.

We engage in projects; our next parish-wide project will be a stewardship program.


Moving Forward: The Next Steps

The Renewal Team recommends that each group now proceed to its more detailed planning stage; this recommendation applies equally to those groups which have not yet submitted plans.  The table below summarizes the principal areas in which we expect to move forward during the coming months.

Planning v     All groups to prepare detailed action plans by 3 April.
Worship v     With Father Rick’s guidance, establish a team to examine worship at Saint James’ Church.
Education v     Develop initiatives in youth and adult education.
Youth v     Coordinate youth activities, and recommend new initiatives where necessary.
Men’s Activities v     Establish a Men’s Group
Operations v     Coordinate internal and external communications, and recommend new initiatives where necessary;
v     Establish goals for Corporation, Parish Council.
Stewardship v     Begin stewardship campaign planning


Who will make this happen? 

We ask the Holy Spirit to provide guidance and motivation 

·        to each of us, as parishioners through our groups, by planning and by doing. 

·       to members of Parish Council to form effective action teams to set priorities and carry out their plans.


Note: With respect to the presentation above, the following motion was passed at the Saint James' Vestry meeting of Sunday February 13, 2005:

That Vestry endorse the report of the Renewal Team